Tired of loadshedding yet ?

 About coal, ESKOM and our electricity,  is it not time civil society, "stokvels" NGO's and NPO's etc made a plan to live well and cooperated and also  complain less about a corrupt  and dysfunctional ESKOM.

This is a call for interested parties to collaborate !!

There are ways and means to protest properly without burning tyres or trying to intimidate & wreck or  randsack City town council meetings or  Mayor's offices , etc

The real answer lies however simply in taking responsibility for one's  life and responsible action in an organized fashion.

Most of us prefer less or no polluted air (apparently thats why we

dont have electricity very often amongst other things )  ,  smog and also the same as we not too happy with plastic bags caught up on fences trees or fences nor do most  of us like PET(polyethylene), clear plastic 2 liter cooldrink bottles lying around in the orchards,along road sides, at taxi ranks or on beaches  .

 But the show must go on especially in cold or cool winters or where we want to conduct micro or macro industries which require the lights on .

The World, in general, seems a bit bent and very enthusiastic to shut down coal fired powerstations whether or not there really is proper scientific motivation  for it

Please let's  all live a bit tidier wherever & recycle wherever you can .

While you at be a good citizen : Put stuff in dirtbins !

Insist , also ,on dirt bins placed strategically by your municipalities !

Don't expect children to live on or in refuse sites and on  (the current government) -style rubbish dumps nor teach them that begging or collecting scraps on a dump is a way of life (rather teach them the dignidied thing to take pride in one's tidy  surroundings) after all most of us sweep our stoop or front yard in the morning too or make our beds (or do we ?) .

At least collect all junk in one place not scattered all over the show.

All South Africans are faced with some challenges such as these, which include, having enough food to eat at home,bring less dependent on SASSA etc ,finding alternatives  to ESKOM (we will probably have to wait forever for them to put the powernon cheaply like we knew it to be reliably cheaply available in 1970 - 1990's) , creating jobs with biomass also environmental restoration etc. , and being wiser in our consumption  and investments .

Here is the proof too. (In these articles shown below that we should get more alternatives soon also fast as possible. )



To conclude : 

Our community deserves electricity cheaply freely available all the time and by all means possible which includes less reliance on it by means of gas or pellets  as fuels for out  fires for warming the home geysers, hot water or cooking .

We deserve integrated hybrid power generation  facilities, not limited to wind turbines or solarPV, and infrastructures including home regional batteries powerlines also based  domestically cheaper or wiser alternatives .

We should include the cheapest options which means also wave power turbines and pumped storage "batteries" schemes .

Finally : "Where are leaders in each community who will turn to the pen not the sword, to get the electricity we deserve?

Stop the apathy !

Don't resign to fate !

Don't accept mediocrity!

Rather become active citizens and  proactive problems solvers!

If you got a stokvel , CBO  or NGO or NPO  already of an alternative energy idea please let me know.

Community can have clout and actually does , and  can  become assisted eventually , (although it is  a long , arduous  too , process  & ESKOM failing too,  while politians are talking nonsense or playing politics only), because  there are experts available  once the paperwork gets done properly by an organized community! 

So do make contact. 

Use the  template below and one of us will  contact you.


  1. For interest sake incase there is an innovative person in Kirkwood with an eye for details.


  2. End loadshedding with immediate effect and create a lot of jobs while doing it too.

    Biomass-to-electricity deployment project financing by means of BOOT (build own operate train personnel &
    transfer ownership) project financing model write to johnmriggs@gmail.com and carbon copy your interest to gabor.kiss@tataireed.com.



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